How to Have a School Trip Without Legally Having to Pay for Kids



16/06/2014 at 10:00 pm

Hi, I would like some opinions on my situation please.
I pay regular maintenance of £320 a month for my two children who I see regularly and have been asked to contribute for a school trip (the trip is £300 for each child). My ex has suggested paying half each.
I always pick up & drive back when seeing my children, I have a full wardrobe for them at my home, I take them away on holiday each year.
Money is tight for me but if I budget I could afford it, but should I just agree to keep the peace or not pay because I feel I already pay enough & I know she can afford it?
Should this be what the maintenance payment should cover?
Thanks for any comments


Loren B(14)

16/06/2014 at 10:24 pm

I feel it is sensible to pay half each. You both have a responsibility to pay for these things for your children.

ALI (32)

Ali (32)

16/06/2014 at 10:28 pm

Where on earth are they going for that price per child?

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16/06/2014 at 10:29 pm

If you feel half may be  a struggle then you need to negotiate a lesser amount without damaging the status quo perhaps?



16/06/2014 at 10:31 pm

Hi, I would like some opinions on my situation please.
I pay regular maintenance of £320 a month for my two children who I see regularly and have been asked to contribute for a school trip (the trip is £300 for each child). My ex has suggested paying half each.
I always pick up & drive back when seeing my children, I have a full wardrobe for them at my home, I take them away on holiday each year.
Money is tight for me but if I budget I could afford it, but should I just agree to keep the peace or not pay because I feel I already pay enough & I know she can afford it?
Should this be what the maintenance payment should cover?
Thanks for any comments

I personally think that maintenance money is for general everyday costs that bringing up a child involves, I think it's fair to split school trips half and half, surely there isn't a fairer way? granted if she has a lot more money it would be very frustrating and feel unfair although fact is the responsibility to pay for your children doesn't change depending on the financial situation of the resident parent. As a single parent myself I would find my life an awful lot easier if I could know in advance how much my children are going to cost me for the foreseeable future, if my son cost me £270 (the amount of maintenance I receive) a month until he was 18 I would feel I had gotten a very easy deal.
Saying that I agree that it must feel very difficult to hand over an amount of money if your struggling and your ex isn't but school trips are an extra. Not every parent will afford to be able to send them, so if you cannot do it then say that to your ex but if you can then yes I think it's fair to pay half.



16/06/2014 at 10:34 pm

Also it is absurd to think that a maintenance payment of £320 a month for two children should cover a school trip which if you both agree the kids should go on is going to cost £600+

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16/06/2014 at 10:41 pm

Do you usually pay for school trips? Or contribute at least half? If so, then half is a reasonable request.

Was this an optional trip that not all the year go on, and if so were you consulted on the affordability of going? If it's an optional trip and you weren't consulted prior to accepting the trip then I would be inclined to offer money towards it but only as much as I could afford on the basis that I would have stated I couldn't afford it! Assuming it's an older child for such an expensive trip, then explain the impact that this trip is having on your pocket and cut back on expenditure whilst the child is with you to compensate eg no takeaway, cinema, new clothes etc

If you do contribute in any way, then check out whether there is a way to pay in drips and drabs, as and when you can. It might help ease the burden.


James D(38)

16/06/2014 at 11:31 pm

That's an expensive school trip



16/06/2014 at 11:49 pm

Where's the school trip to?! £600 seems very expensive... Is it abroad?

Is it optional?

I would be inclined to speak to the school about it.

However, on trips that the child does need... I would expect it to be 50-50, although I do appreciate that you pay a fair amount in maintenance.

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16/06/2014 at 11:50 pm

Hi, I would like some opinions on my situation please.
I pay regular maintenance of £320 a month for my two children who I see regularly and have been asked to contribute for a school trip (the trip is £300 for each child). My ex has suggested paying half each.
I always pick up & drive back when seeing my children, I have a full wardrobe for them at my home, I take them away on holiday each year.
Money is tight for me but if I budget I could afford it, but should I just agree to keep the peace or not pay because I feel I already pay enough & I know she can afford it?
Should this be what the maintenance payment should cover?
Thanks for any comments

Hi I think it's only fair for you to pay half - it is not about which parent has the most money and can afford it is about each parent showing their child they want to contribute.

Look at it from your child's perspective if 'mum' keeps paying for school trips etc and 'dad' doesn't contribute what does this tell them ?

And I'm sorry so you should drop off and pick up they are your children ! !

As for £320 for two children that is not a lot £40 a week, £5.71 a day per child.  So if you ex only allocated the same your children would have to be housed, fed, clothed and all the extras like school trips etc on £640 a month = £11.42 a day.

I would offer to pay half because I want my kids to see I am willing to support them.

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17/06/2014 at 7:42 am

I have a very alternative view of csa and added extra's. Legally you don't have to pay and I do appreciate what everyone is saying about helping out and supporting your children but if you have them 50% of the time why should you? I am a mother of 1 and I cannot wrap my head around this at all. Why should dad pay to help mum but mum doesn't have to pay Dad for his part of the care? If you have the children with you for any period then you also incur costs, mortgage, food, clothes, toys, holidays... It's archaic that you should have to subsidise your ex because she is a woman, if she is capable of working. Csa is an awful entitlement and I think it would be better to be rid of it if parents can simply agree to cut additional costs, not living costs (assuming there is joint custody). I'm sure many will disagree with me but why should my child's dad pay for my life on top of his own. His money can pay for his house and costs and we split additional costs such as uniforms, school trips. He buys clothes etc and from my experience most Dad's do. If you share custody I would think twice about paying if you cant afford. If you were a couple and couldn't afford you wouldn't cripple yourself financially for an overpriced school trip!



17/06/2014 at 7:55 am

Firstly that is one expensive trip so it better be optional. Secondly a few pp have made good points. About going half. And u say if u budget u could afford it. But it sounds as though u dont really want to pay for t. Id assume the mother also would need to budget for the trip. So gojng halfs is more than fair. If u dont really want to pay half u should sit down with ur ex and talk abot the options. Is this trip important for their education, must they go. U should expect her too pay the full price no matter what u pay in child maitenance. As pp said if u were still together and u couldnt afford it ot wouldnt be landed on the other parent tobpay alone. The kods probanly would miss out



17/06/2014 at 10:49 am

Do you have the kids half the time OP?

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Angela M(772)

17/06/2014 at 3:11 pm

I think you should pay half, they are half your children aren't they?

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17/06/2014 at 3:15 pm

Angela. My partner has his children half the time (50%) his ex gets the Child Benefit for the children and tax credits. At our home we pay for everything, good, clothes, school lunches, school uniform , coats, shoes everything they need. Yet he is also required to pay his ex maintenance via the CSA. He certainly doesn't always feel obliged to pay half for school trips on top of the maintenance!

How to Have a School Trip Without Legally Having to Pay for Kids


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