Medieval Engineers How to Build a Cart in Survival

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  1. So today I was really excited to finally build some things in single player survival! I decided priority number one would be to build a nice cart to haul materials around with until I started building my first house/workshop.

    So I get the required wood from nearby trees, no problems there. I start shaping the logs into timbers and the wood scraps and leaves fall all over the ground (neat!). But when I try and walk over them I hear things smashing and I die (Bug #1). Whatever, I'll just keep my work area clear of all these little bits of wood so I pick them up and throw them into the forest for now.

    I start assembling my cart and things are working great! The nearby timbers are properly being used as resources (so cool!). But I noticed laying on the ground were a number of Rope Endings that I did not place. It appears as though partially used timbers laying on the ground sometimes turn into Rope Endings and not shorter timbers (Bug #2). These Rope Endings disappeared as I placed more timbers so it looks like they are just short pieces of wood (timber 1 I believe) with the wrong model. When you look at them with a hammer it lists them as Rope Endings on the right but they are definitely used as timber resources when you build more timber nearby.

    During my building of my cart, I placed a temporary round timber on the bottom to get the end off the ground so that I can put some wheels on it. Well once I got my wheels on and went to remove the temporary timber (with deconstruction hammer) I swing at it and proceed to break 4 different timbers in ONE swing (Bug #3). I was not aiming towards my cart, only at the single temporary timber underneath that I had placed and now wanted to remove. One more swing and it disappears and 2 more timbers get broken in the process that I was not aiming at...

    So I decide I am going to just repair up the timbers that broke! I have plenty of timbers laying around. So I get out my construction hammer and go to swing at the broken timbers to repair them. Only they do not repair, but in fact I now BREAK 2 MORE TIMBERS ! The construction hammer does not repair timbers (Bug #4) but breaks timbers I was not aiming at (Bug #5 maybe duplicate of Bug #3)!

    Fine, I'll just remove the broken ones and place new timbers in their place. I spend the next 10 minutes swinging very carefully at the broken timbers to try and remove them, but I cannot hit them (Bug #6)! With all the swinging I am doing with my deconstruction hammer I am just breaking other timbers that are nowhere near where I am aiming! I finally manage to remove a couple of the broken timbers after dozens of swings but my cart is just becoming a pile of broken wood in the process. I tried with all of the different tools: axe, pickaxe, club, construction hammer, deconstruction hammer, yet nothing could remove some of the fractured pieces and all of the tools broke nearby timbers instead.

    At one point I also had completely disconnected broken timbers floating in midair that were somehow still attached to the cart (Bug #7).

    Some timbers also had broken chunks out of the middle but the ends were somehow still attached to each other and it moved and acted like a full timber (Bug #8).

    In the end I got so mad I just smashed my cart to little bits and quit playing. I really look forward to these bugs getting fixed so that I can play survival! Let me know if you need any more details, screenshots or anything.

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
  2. yeah, I have most problem with bug #2 everytime I build a timber 6, the rest of the timber turns into a rope ending, littering my ground with these , and wasting small amounts of resources each time
    EDIT: Added Screenshot
    EDIT: Also I think its currently impossible to remove wood floors in survival, I try to deconstruct, but it goes right through the floor and hits the foundation underneath
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  3. An update to Bug #3 and Bug #5: I now realize that I may not have been using right click with the Construction and Deconstruction Hammers. Honestly this could be fixed by making a single dedicated construction hammer where left click constructs and right click deconstructs (maybe already in the works, who knows?).
  4. I have a bug like #4, when i try to build a stone block cube (<--best name) the construction hammer just destroyes it instead of building it tried that 5-6 times so not a random bug.
  5. Hi xzosimusx
    thanks for sharing ;)

    1- little bits of wood are used to build your house it's one of the materials for crafting.

    2- Yes. it's because when you build from the timbers, the old timber disappears and is replaced with a shorter timber. But as of now.. instead of spawning timber 1, it spawns rope ending, instead of timber 4 it spawns rope release and instead of timber 8 it spawns diagonal timber.

    3- Yes it does that when you use the hammer on timber connected to,,, But if you used static saw horses under your cart you will not have to break it but just have to pull the cart out.
    Some used a rope drum and they build their cart on the air. :)

    4- Yes timber can't be repair with the hammer for now you have to fix them in creative, it's just a start the first survival update and it's great to see alpha testers sharing their results for DEVS so I will say thank you for them. ;)
    5 - 6 - Yes it's a work in progress you'll have to fix in creative and re-open in survival no choice for now. ;)
    8-9 All work in progress and don't be mad you are doing great by sharing contributing for your game hhmmm mine too. ;)

    Thank you xzosimusx !

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  6. Hello everyone,

    I would like to add another bug related to survival construction.

    If you place big blocks (the ones made out of stone and wood scrap) and accidently hit them with any tool with left click before you finished building them with all the required mats, they will "break", rendering them unrepairable and without the ability to deconstruct them anymore. What follows is the long and difficult process of destroying them with more left clicks.
    You can imagine, if you just started building your castle or anything like that and you accidently missclick, you are pretty much fucked, because to remove the broken unfinished block you have to left click even more, which can and will break other unfinished blocks around the allready broken one.
    Another problem with this is that sometimes the single small parts of those blocks (the wood ones especially) are really hard to click because of the kinda not working targeting system.
    Right now i even got a broken block that i can't even destroy with left clicks. I click it and nothing happens at all (just a hitting sound appears).

    All this was tested in offline mode in different newly created worlds.

    One question i kinda got: In space engineers the survival building works like a charm. Why dont they just "copy" it from there? :D

    EDIT1: It seems like with the last patch they changed something. The broken block i couldnt damage at all just dissapeared after some time. Tested it multiple times now, the same thing happened. Block just dissapeared after 2-3 minutes.

    Anyways, great game so far! Loving it!

    Keep up the great work :)

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  7. I found that if you have this happen and cannot hit the little sticks of the construction frame with a hammer, then grab a small rock and throw it at them. They break VERY easily then! Just be careful where that rock bounces afterwards as it can cause other damage too!
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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.

Medieval Engineers How to Build a Cart in Survival


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