Funny to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket

Cops hear some of the best explanations for why the driver they pulled over was doing 95 mph in a 60 mph zone.

Some make the "best" list for being outrageous yet legitimate, and others are just outrageous.

And others are a little gross.

"I was told by a lady her accelerator was broken and it always went that fast, no matter what."  (Photo/Pixabay)

Here are 20 real answers our Facebook fans said they'd received at some point in their law enforcement careers.

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1. A drunk guy told me he was pregnant then urinated all over himself claiming his water broke. —Bryan Turner

2. I stopped a girl with all the Goth black stuff on herself and little figurines on her dash. I asked what is all this stuff. She said," I'm a Wicka." I said, "A what?" She goes, "You know, a witch." I said, "Oh yeah." Then she asks, "Are you giving me a ticket"? I said, "yes, I am." She said, "I'll put a spell on you. I told her, "Too late. My ex-wife beat you to it." —Dave Simpson

3. DRIVER: My buddy, who is a police officer, is gonna kill me!
OFFICER: Who is your buddy?
DRIVER:David Pollino!
OFFICER: Ohhhh, you know Dave Pollino? Well in that case, you should thank him when you see him!
DRIVER:You bet, officer, I will do exactly that!
I stand there in awkward silence until the driver chimes in and says can I help you?
Just waiting for my thanks.
DRIVER: I don't understand!
Can you read, ma'am? Can you read my name tag out loud?
Officer! Sgt. David Pollino!
OFFICER: Ma'am, since we are such good friends and all, and you were going to thank me, I was just waiting for my thanks.
David Pollino

4. "Oh, I thought the sign I 95 meant the speed limit...glad you didn't catch me over on SR 210 earlier." —Andy Young

5. "I wasn't speeding, I just got a haircut and it makes me look fast." —Timber Bear

6. It snowed 6 inches and I radar a car driving 54 in a 30. Stopped her and she very matter-of-fact told me, "Duh, I know I was going fast, I was trying to get the snow off my windshield so I could see where I'm going!" —Rhonada Olson Sclavi

7. I checked a 17-year-old kid on I-71 near MP91 just south of Grove City, Ohio at 101 MPH. He was driving a gold Ford Explorer 2-door. When I told him I checked him at 101, he threw a fit and wanted to argue with me, saying he was only doing 85 MPH. Me, being the curious cop, asked him why he thought he was only going 85 and his response was, "My speedometer only goes to 85 and I had my gas pushed all the way to the floor." —Darwin Justice

8. One of my cop friends told me a story. He pulled over a couple for speeding, asked why the driver (male) was speeding. The male said his wife (the passenger) was pregnant and they were going to the hospital. The officer said that was fine (even though he knew the truth) and followed them to the hospital to "make sure everything went alright." When they got to the hospital, he escorted them in and made sure they got a room right away. Finally the male admitted to lying. The officer didn't write him up, figured the hospital bill would be enough. —Matt Mues

9. "My car has a recall on it for unexplained acceleration and I'm on my way to get it fixed!" — Paula Ulibarri

10. "I have a cold and when I cough, my foot mashes the pedal." —John Aiello

11. I stopped a guy for doing 71 in a 50 because he wanted to get to McDonald's before the breakfast menu ended! —Brian Eugene Jones

12. I had someone tell me that he put too much oil in the engine of his vehicle, and he had to drive really fast to burn the extra roll out. —David Cox

13. I was told by a lady her accelerator was broken and it always went that fast, no matter what. —Eric Mosso

You're free to go, this time...

14. Pulled over a Corvette doing 100 in 55zone. Late at night on highway, no traffic. I told the driver, "You were flying, unless you have a pilot's license, you are going to jail." Yes, he handed me a pilot license. Yes, I let him go. —Chuck Ervin

15. I stopped a lady who was crying when I walked up. I asked what the problem was. She said she had gone shopping for the first time after having a baby and nothing fit right. I handed her her license back and slowly backed away. Nothing good was coming from this! —Cookie Crumbles

16. "I was just keeping the 2 second buffer time between me and the car behind me." "There was no one behind you." "Good job, huh?" —Scott Mainardy

17. "The box says ,'If you have an erection over 4 hours, see your doctor IMMEDIATELY!'" —Scott Tyler

18. "I wasn't speeding, I was qualifying." —Aaron Roberts

19. A 17-year-old was going 23 over. When I asked him why he was going so fast, he looked me dead in the eye and said, "Because I'm just all kinds of stupid." -—Billy Graves

20. I got tagged for doing 54 in a 45 years back. The officer laughed when he told me and I said that my dyslexia was acting up again. —​Scott Russell

This article, originally published on 07/21/2013, has been updated.

"The Question" section brings together user-generated articles from the Police1 Facebook page based on questions we pose to our followers, as well as some of the best content we find on Quora, a question-and-answer website created, edited and organized by its community of users who are often experts in their field. The site aggregates questions and answers for a range of topics, including public safety.

The views and opinions expressed in the questions and answers posted directly from Quora do not necessarily reflect those of P1.


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