Means of Communication in the Past and Present

Have you ever thought that what would happen if you see that there is no communication with one another in this universe? It is high time we did our communication with one another every single day. We know how important it is! No matter what we can't deny the importance of communication in our day to day life.


There are two types of communication such as internal communication and external communication . These two types of communications express all the entire communication.

What is Communications?

According to Wikipedia "communication is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic."Communication should be meaningful and it can be expressed in several ways.


10 Importance of Communication that You Should Know

You can know different amazing information about the importance of communication and that will amuse you.

1. Importance of Communication in Life

In our daily interaction communication plays an important role in making interaction faster. For making life easier we need to communicate in the fastest way.

As a social being our one and only way to solve out any problem. As the world has developed we also need to develop our skills in every sector. Without communication, you cannot even think about a part of development.

2. Importance of Communication in an Organization

For motivating and inspiring an organization communication plays an effective role. For distributing every single effective skill in a foundation, communication plays brave support. It is called effective communication in an organization.

The employer has to know how the job is being executed by the employee. For that, the employer must have to communicate every sector in the foundation.

If the job not being performed perfectly, an organization will be harmed. As a result, the organization may face difficulties in the long run.

If an employer keep communicates regularly with every sector in the organization, he/she can find the problem for which job not being performed regularly. This communication will also assist the organization to find out the proper solution for the problem.

3. Importance of Communication in Business

What are communications skills in business? Business is all about negotiation to acquire your goals. Owners often need to develop their selling for earning more revenue. Communication will show the owner how he/she can improve selling in other countries.

If the company keeps communicating properly with the culture of a foreign country, it will be benefited from some skills that surely will help in every facet of their business performance .

The functions that will help to develop a great business market has given below. importance of communication in business that you need to know if you want to improve in the business sector.

Importance of Communication in business
Importance of Communication in business
  • Successful Brand messaging
  • Great team relationships
  • Preventing confrontment
  • The inspiration for an innovative promotion

4. Importance of Communication in Society

The importance of communication in society can be described by the aspect that we humans are a social being. To live in society we have to do regular communication every day.

You can't discuss anything to anyone. What would it feel then? As human beings, we have to discuss and keep communication with others. It's like a relationship that we can't oppose.

5. Importance of Communication in Management

There is some communications procedure for management. We follow these procedures without any doubt.

  • To manage different kinds of works.
  • We have to manage others for a desired opts.
  • We manage our home task by ourselves

Managerial works lie in every sector of life. You should keep in mind that communication plays a vital role in managerial works.

6. Importance of Communication in Education

Education means to learn. In our education system teachers and students need to communicate with one another for proper learning but for developing the speaking & listening skill of the students, communication is a must.

We all know that today's student will be a leader or public speaker of the future. So, if they learn to communicate with the teacher in a proper way there will be no hesitation, discomfort and low confidence. Communication also helps to become a friendly person, which is a really important act. By learning proper communication students can earn skill for developing their career and professionalism in their attitude.

7. In Transportation

Communication & transportation are the main issues for developing of any region. In developed countries, we can see that facilities off road are far more developed than undeveloped countries. Not only roads, if we look at the transportation system of their train, plane, the boat we will see that they are using the maximum advantage of their communication system.

Most of the developed countries have sent satellites for developing their transportation. They are communicating with satellites to keep safe their plane root, sea root safely. So, their transport infrastructure is far safer than developing and undeveloped countries.

8. In leadership skill

Do you want to be a great leader someday? Then try to communicate with the public as more as you can. Communication is the best way to achieve the leadership skill.

If you communicate with others then you will able to understand the demand of people. You will also get an idea that in what situation you have to talk about what topic and that is the best thing to achieve advanced leadership skills.

9. Importance of communication in Social Media

At present social media is a platform where you can express your opinion. Like, right now you can comment on anything, related to this article below. Think about a problem that you are facing and you asked for help online and there you will find a solution. We all are interconnected.  Social Media is already an effective thing about the importance of ICT a nd the IT world.

There are a lot of social media available at present. In those social media, communication is the primary condition to get connected to others.

10. Importance of Communication in Technology

As many countries are sending spacecraft in space for discovering the cosmos, they need to keep a connection with a cosmonaut on a regular basis. Modern communication system plays a vital role in this sector also.

Like space science for the existing technologies, we have to get connected. Communication is a better way to spread away new technology among all of us.

I hope that you have understood the importance of communication in every step of life. If you don't communicate then you can't express your opinion to others.

Yes, this is a big problem for those who don't want to communicate with others. However, try to communicate and give chance to others to communicate with you.

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Means of Communication in the Past and Present


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